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is solder toxic? Solder fume composition

Solder fumes are fumes produced during the welding process of products. These solder toxic fumes , contain a variety of chemical components that are harmful to human health. Solder fume components are mainly composed of volatile organic compounds, metal oxides, lead, cadmium, chromium and other metal elements. Long-term exposure to inhalation of toxic solder fumes may cause serious respiratory diseases, neurological damage, immune system disorders and other health problems.
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Solder fume composition

1, volatile organic compounds: the compressed gas oxygen and gas propane or butane mixture, the heat process of propane or butane decomposition to produce a large number of volatile organic compounds. Such as formaldehyde, acetone, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene and many other organic compounds, these organic compounds are the main components of the solder fume mixture, their toxicity and carcinogenicity has been well documented.

2, metal oxides: is due to the welding process, the metal surface is heated and oxidized, these oxides vary with the type of metal and the welding process. Such as iron oxides, copper oxides, tin oxides, nickel oxides, zinc oxides, etc.. These oxides have a variety of effects on human health. In equipment manufacturing, repair and maintenance, solder fumes containing copper oxides, iron oxides, zinc oxides, etc. also often cause the failure of electronic components and even damage the entire system.

3、Metallic elements such as lead, cadmium and chromium: Determining the presence of lead is achieved by the entire determination procedure in liquid metal soldering, where lead is added to lead-coated solder wire. Lead is a toxic heavy metal, long-term exposure to lead produced by the mist, will be harmful to the brain, lymph and liver in the human body, research shows that lead can lead to cognitive decline in children, adults and even reduce intelligence, in addition to lead, other heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium and other elements are present in the solder fumes, so solder in schools, hospitals and other public places solder should be extra vigilant.


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