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How to deal with solder fumes?

Reduce the hazards of soldering fumes on human health and the environment, need to take some measures to deal with, the current common soldering fumes treatment methods are, mechanical filtration, chemical absorption, activated carbon adsorption, electrostatic precipitation method of to deal with solder fumes

1,Mechanical filtration method
Mechanical filtration method is the soldering smoke through the filter, the smoke in the particles and particulate matter filtered out to achieve the purpose of purifying the air, this method is simple and easy to implement, but for the gas and have and the material filtration effect is not good.

2,Chemical absorption method
Chemical absorption method is the solder fumes through the chemical absorbent absorption, the smoke in the harmful substances adsorbed on the absorbent, to purify the air for the purpose of this method of filtration of gases and organic substances is better, when the need for regular replacement of the absorbent.

3,Activated carbon adsorption method
Activated carbon adsorption method is the soldering fumes through the activated carbon for adsorption, the harmful substances in the smoke adsorption in the activated carbon, to achieve the purpose of purifying the air, this method of filtration of gases and organic substances is better, but need to replace the activated carbon on a regular basis.

4, Electrostatic precipitation method
Electrostatic dust removal method is the solder fumes through the electrostatic field for dust removal, the particles in the smoke and particulate matter through the electrostatic effect of adhesion to the electrodes, to achieve the purpose of purifying the air, this method is not good for the filtering effect of gases and organic substances.

For the treatment of solder fumes, it is necessary to choose the appropriate treatment method according to the actual situation, in order to achieve the purpose of purifying the air, protecting human health and the environment, and at the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the protection of the health of the workers of the soldering and the environmental regulation, to reduce the hazards of the solder fumes on human health and the environment.


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